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10 Top Tips To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage & Cancer

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WATCH VIDEO: To know 19 types of cancer reduced by Higher Vitamin D levels

Too much sun exposure can considerably damage human skin. The heat from the sun causes dryness in unprotected areas of the skin decreasing its supply of natural lubricating oils. Additionally, the sun has ultraviolet (UV) radiation that can lead to burning and changes in the structure of the skin (long-term). There are several types of sun damage to the skin, and the treatment depends on the particular type.


The sun is the source of life. It provides warmth, energy and vitamin D. Although the sun is the source of life, it is also a nuclear fire ball that showers the earth with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause brown spots, sun burns, wrinkles and skin cancer — the most common cancer in the United States.


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