Amazing The Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
|VIDEO: Find out what Cayenne Pepper can do for humans and pets!
This culinary herb’s anti-inflammatory effect is said to be comparable to those of cortisone. Turmeric is effective in treating arthritis and it can be safely fed to dogs (just sprinkle some of the dried herb on their food) as a dietary supplement.
One main constituent of yucca, saponin, has anti-inflammatory actions. It also stimulates the body to produce its own cortiocosteroids and corticosteroid-related hormones. Using yucca to relieve pain and inflammation resulting from arthritis, therefore, is much safer than using synthetically produced drugs such as prednisolone.
Yucca is particularly effective when used in combination with alfalfa and licorice.
Source: The Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper (capsicum) – YouTube