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How There Could Finally Be A Cure For Diabetes

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Over the previous 20 years, considerable advancements in stem cell research as well as treatments have been just one of the most appealing approaches of creating new insulin making cells needed to heal kind 1 diabetes mellitus.

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company, lately started a medical test where it intends to deal with 17 participants who have type 1 diabetic issues with brand-new stem cell derived insulin making cells. The very first patient in the test has had favorable outcomes.

Other business worldwide including ViaCyte and CRISPR, along with Novo Nordisk, one of the biggest insulin manufacturers in the globe, are also functioning on treating the disease. CNBC explores why finding a treatment for diabetes is so difficult as well as just how close Vertex and also various other firms are to solving this problem.

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Just how There Could Finally Be A Cure For Diabetes

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