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HOW TO: Health journal + journal tour

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When I began journaling, my life transformed. I began dropping weight, developing good habits, staying arranged as well as effective, as well as come to be a better more hopeful human. In this video clip, I show you exactly how I made my wellness journal as well as to where to discover aesthetic positive motivation!

21 days of self love|Journal triggers:

My Pinterest:


New video every Saturday

Organisation Inquiries:

♡ Instagram:
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♫ Listen to my stretching + exercise jam + much more:

♢ C R I T E R I A (to be included in my following video clip).

1. Send me a picture of your flexibility/weightloss/fitness results (before and also after images).
2. Describe how my video clips have actually aided you.
3. Inform me you wish to be featured.
* I likewise feature drawings of me!

Stay Fierce ❥.

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