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How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

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Naturally reverse and treat type 2 Diabetes today


Unsweetened oatmeal, although it is a carbohydrate, can help control blood sugar. It is slower to digest than simple white bread and is high in soluble fiber. Due to the slower digestion rate, oatmeal is a steadier source of energy than bread and can help us feel full longer. It is a great addition to the diet of anyone looking to lose weight, which is a major factor for controlling diabetes. Barley has the same benefits as oats and can be paired with a more savory dish. Whole grains are a great choice for diabetics.

Here we have another natural treatment for diabetes check it out.

Diabetes is a curable disease. As a dietary disease, it demands a dietary treatment. The principles are outlined here.


If you crave something sweet, strawberries are a perfect snack. A cup of strawberries will not alter blood sugar and is a much better option than a cookie or candy bar. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, and chock full of fiber and water. Like oatmeal, strawberries (and most other berries) will keep you feeling full longer.

Source: How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally – YouTube

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