Novel Ideas For Your Removal of Tonsil Stones You Should Know
|11. Is there any natural remedies or home treatment to remove them?
As a sufferer, I have done some research on these topics. I have also purchased some e-books for this purpose.
One of the most common remedies is to gargle with salt water in the back of your throat. This is very efficient for the earlier stage of tonsilloliths sufferer. Another one is to use green team mixed with honey, apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon.
The most efficient remedies that I found can remove and prevent tonsil stones are to eat and drink properly with recipes that can actually eliminate the oral bacteria. I have done some research on these and did purchase a few books on these.
Here is a list of books that I would recommend.
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Diane Puttman: Banish Tonsil Stones
Juliana McFadden: Beat Tonsil Stones
Anna Watson: Tonsil Stones Secret Home Remedies
12. Which doctor should I visit to cure tonsilloliths?
ENT (ear, nose and throat) Specialists
13. What antibiotics should I take to remove tonsilloliths?
Recommended to confirm with the ENT specialists. Many times, antibiotics are very effective in a short period. The problem is you have to keep on taking them and prevent tonsilloliths comes back and the price of medication is not cheap. Most importantly, they are not natural treatment: taking too much medicine is not a good thing. If you do not change your diet habit, it is very likely those stones will re-appear after you stop medication.
14. Is it possible to have them come back after laser tonsillectomy?
The most common surgery procedure is tonsillectomy which can effectively cure the tonsilloliths. The laser will re-shape the tonsil, i.e., burn the caverns of tonsils to fill up the pockets of tonsils where the debris is normally accumulated at. Once this is fixed, you will unlikely to have tonsil stones back.
15. What are the best home treatment or natural remedies?
As you have found out, the key to prevent and remove tonsilloliths is to follow a few proved natural remedies without the extra cost of medication and surgery.
I am currently following Diane Puttman’s e-book “Banish Tonsil Stones”. It is a short PDF handbook which is available for immediate download.
The handbook include two important sections that I like most:
The Secret: tells you the cause and a few traditional home treatments.
The Recipe Ideas: presents very detailed non-diary recipes (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) that are natural and actually working!