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Stop Cancer with Baking Soda

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The medical uses of baking soda all involves raising the pH of the body by neutralizing acid. Therefore, sodium bicarbonate is used as an antacid (to neutralize stomach acid and treat ulcer, heartburn and acid indigestion) and to treat acidosis (raise the pH level of the blood when it is close to 7.0).

Sodium bicarbonate can also be used as a topical antiseptic agent to prevent blistering and scarring. Lastly, it is also used to reduce itching caused by allergic skin reactions caused by plants such as poison ivy.

Because sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid, it can be used to treat the overdose of acidic drugs such as aspirin and tricyclic antidepressants. Because it supplies more sodium to the body, it is also used to treat hyperkalemia (high blood levels of potassium).

However, excessive intake of baking soda can just as easily cause high sodium levels in the body (hypernatremia) and hypertension. Other conditions that can be caused by baking soda overload include metabolic alkalosis, congestive heart failure and edema triggered by high blood levels of sodium.

The Use of Baking Soda in Oncology

Even though most oncologists do not recommend sodium bicarbonate for their patients, they actually use it for the same purposes in chemotherapy. By combining this alkalinizing agent with chemotherapy drugs, it protects the organs of the body from being destroyed by the poisonous effects of those drugs.

Essentially, sodium bicarbonate raises the pH around these vital organs and prevent the cancer from spreading there and chemotherapy drugs from causing even greater destruction.

Dr. Mark Sircus, the Director of the International Medical Veritas Association, detailed the link between cancer and pH as well as the use of baking soda as an anticancer agent in his book, Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian oncologist, regularly treats his cancer patients with baking soda. In his experience, oral, intravenous and aerosol delivery of sodium bicarbonate are effective in treatment of breast and prostate cancers as well as other types of cancer except for brain cancer.

Although Dr. Simoncini believes oral sodium bicarbonate is most appropriate for cancers affecting the digestive tract, other oncologists and cancer patients such as Vernon have proven that oral sodium bicarbonate can indeed effectively treat cancer affecting deep-seated organs.

Dr. Sircus also recommends oral administration of baking soda. Many of his patients debate whether to mix it with maple syrup, molasses, honey, water or any other beverage. Since normal cells are starved in cancer patients, the oncologist recommends healthy energy sources such as honey, black strap molasses and maple syrup.

Dr. Simoncini, on the other hand, gives glucose intravenously along with sodium bicarbonate for the same purpose.


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