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The Fitness Industry is a JOKE

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my last video below:
00:00 6 million buck banana
00:09 This is my road
00:31 I obtained the healthy protein
00:55 Decline press
01:07 Move Bro
01:20 Pull ups in the squat shelf
01:42 Squats at the Bench
02:02 Training Partner
02:25 Ego Lifter
02:48 Meat from a bag
03:07 Wes Watson
04:15 Wes Watson Supplement
06:14 Mike O’Hearn test booster
06:52 Waist Trainers and Supplements
07:06 Stop marketing individuals junk
07:39 Thank you for enjoying
07:47 We’ll spot you brother

Physical fitness. Funny. Social Media Site Satire.
This is Shredded Sports Science by James Linker

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