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What are Essential Oils and How you can Benefit From Using Them.

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Top Uses of Essential Oils & Their Benefits.

Peppermint oil benefits are incredible. The uses of peppermint essential oil have been proven for thousands of years. I want to start with this, and this is going to surprise you I bet. When I started looking into essential oils and their health benefits, I knew they were used throughout history for over 5,000 years. I knew they were beneficial, but I didn’t know how many medical studies there would be on them.

Phenylpropanoids: Create conditions unfriendly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are found in Clove (90%), Cassia (80%), Basil (75%), Cinnamon (73%), Oregano (60%), Anise (50%), Peppermint (25%). Most importantly,  phenylpropanoids clean the receptor sites on the cells. Without clean receptor sites, cells cannot communicate, and the body malfunctions, resulting in diseases.

Despite the fact that thousands of people report successful use of essential oils to help treat various health ailments, mainstream medical community tries to dismiss their claims.  Essential oils are everywhere; if you follow any blogs, you will find them in DIY, survival, natural health, and mommy blogs. So do essential oils really work, or are they just expensive fragrant quackery?

There are three types of terpenes containes in essential oils: Phenylpropanoids (also called Hemiterpenes), Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes.


Monoterpenes:  They are found in most essential oils. While offering a variety of healing properties, the most important ability of the monoterpenes is that they can reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory. With improper coding in the DNA, cells malfunction and diseases result, such as cancer.


Sesquiterpenes: Found in Cedarwood (98%), Vetiver (97%), Spikenard (93%), Sandalwood (Aloes) 90%, Black Pepper (74%), Patchouli (71%), Myrrh (62%), and Ginger (59%), Frankincense (8%), these molecules deliver oxygen to your tissues. Viruses, bacteria, and cancer have a difficult time surviving in an oxygenated environment.  Sesquiterpenes can also erase or deprogram miswritten codes in the DNA.

The Real Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks About

Essential oils will not encourage “superbugs”

Bacteria have proven that they can mutate to form different kinds of resistant strains of “superbugs” to adapt to the toxic antibiotic drugs. Essential oils have never created a superbug.  There have been hundreds of studies clinically proving their effectiveness against pretty much all bacteria, including MRSA and other superbugs.


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Source: Peppermint Oil Benefits and Uses – YouTube

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