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Why Narcissism is the “Secondhand Smoke” of Mental Health

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Spot all the indications of the narcissist in your life, as well as just how to cope:

Vanity is the secondhand smoke of mental health, according to Dr. Ramani. Right here’s why.

We’ve spoken with Dr. Ramani concerning narcissism previously, but we’ve NEVER gone this extensive. Invite to the MedCircle interview series, Narcissistic Personality Disorder: The “Secondhand Smoke” of Mental Health.

She responds to:
Why is vanity suddenly so common?
Why is it so vital to discuss & discover conceited character disorder (NPD)?
What is your experience with NPD?
Why did you decide to concentrate on NPD?
What will audiences gain from this collection?
What will narcissists acquire? (If anything?).
What will fans acquire?

#Narcissism #MentalHealth #MedCircle.

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