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Why You Need a Himalayan Salt Lamp

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5 Awsome Health Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Negative ions are produced in nature and there’s even a way to mimic them in the walls of your home. Himalayan salt lamps chemically and physically transform a room – not just in colour and glow, but in its healthy benefits and effects.


This mineral is hand-mined from the Himalayan mountains and is available everywhere, in several different forms. The edible form has less sodium than regular table salt, but the edible form of this salt isn’t what we’re here to talk about.

Turn The Lights On

There are natural phenomena that make us feel refreshed or revitalized. You know, simple things like sitting next to a huge waterfall, or being in front of rushing waves at the waterfront. If we were able to soar through the air like birds that would probably do it too.

What about these natural locations and events gives us the good goosebumps?


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