Why You Need a Himalayan Salt Lamp
|5 Awsome Health Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps
- Why You Need a Himalayan Salt LampHimalayan salt’s digestive qualities are often considered superior to sea salt. Because it’s absorbed through the stomach lining, it immediately affects the transportation of oxygen in our system. It’s been stated that Himalayan salt hydrates the body whereas sea salt dehydrates the body.
Salt Therapy
Halotherapy, or salt therapy, has been practiced since the times of ancient Greece. While Himalayan salt lamps are just one form of salt therapy, other methods, including salt room therapy, have evolved. Even today, we know to gargle with salt when mouth sores become annoying, or that swimming in salt water relieves most topical rashes. Polish salt caves were a known treatment for respiratory ailments as far back as the 19th century. Today, salt spas are still considered a popular method for treating respiratory ailments.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/about_5047293_health-benefits-himalayan-salt-lamps.html