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Top 3 Natural Remedies Massages, salt scrubs and mud wraps for health

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VIDEO: Shows the viewers how body massages, salt scrubs and mud wrap spas help cleanse the body to make it look and feel healthy.

Burning incense is a peaceful act, recalls loving memories in abundance, and compliments my yoga practice, meditation practice, and relaxing at home perfectly. It is worth wondering why incense has regularly been used for centuries across various religions and faiths be it Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or most others?

Sandalwood (Santalum Album) is number one according to most Buddhists. The aroma of sandalwood is warm, rich, sweet, and woody. Sandalwood has been in use as incense for over four thousand years. India was once the main source of sandalwood, but it’s also found on islands in the Pacific. This wood was once so treasured that its trade rivaled whaling for bloodshed and loss of life. Sandalwood is in short supply these days. Some forests have been depleted and since the greatest oil is found in the tree’s heartwood, it takes time for new trees to mature—sixty to eighty years. In India, the trees are protected by the government and in 1792 the tree was designated a royal tree. No individual may own one—even if the tree is on private land it still belongs to the government. However, poaching is still a problem.

Tibetan incense is widely used for meditation, relaxation, and cleansing one environment. It delivers an aroma which can help to soothe and calm a restless mind. Our Tibetan incense is made up of pure herbs, spices, flowers, and minerals. There are no glues, dyes or bamboo sticks that would be harmful to inhale.  We carry over 100 unique blends of Tibetan incense, all traditionally prepared by hand, according to centuries old recipes from the monastic traditions in the Himalayas.

Alcohol, isopropyl (SD-40) is a very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin’s moisture and natural immune barrier, making you more vulnerable to bacteria, molds and viruses. It is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative, and is found in many skin and hair products, fragrances, antibacterial hand washes as well as shellac and antifreeze. It can act as a “carrier,” accelerating the penetration of other harmful chemicals into your skin.

In rats, inhaled formaldehyde was linked to cancers of the nasal cavity and leukemia. In one study of rats given drinking water containing formaldehyde there was an increase in stomach tumors, while another showed no increase in any kind of tumor or cancer.

In mice, applying a 10% solution of formaldehyde to the skin was linked to quicker development of cancers caused by another chemical.

Men who breathe in formaldehyde fumes as part of their jobs have triple the average risk of developing the paralyzing disease ALS, researchers reported Monday.

Funeral directors who use formaldehyde to embalm bodies may be the most at risk, the researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found.

Their findings, published in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, strengthen the links between formaldehyde and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The condition, which gradually paralyzes patients by damaging their nerves, affects an estimated 30,000 Americans. It’s always fatal.

 It has been shown that negative ions in the air bind with airborne pollutants, making them heavier so that they fall to the ground, and therefore are unavailable to be inhaled. Many modern air purifiers – the so-called ‘ionic air cleanser‘ – use this technique to provide cleaner indoor air for allergy sufferers. Some studies seem to indicate that an increase in negative ions in the air increases bloodflow to the brain, which would have the effect of improved concentration. The salt lamp is an attractive alternative to the utilitarian look of an air puffer.

The amount of negative ions a salt lamp can release depends on its size and how warm the candle or lightbulb can make it. The larger the crystal, obviously, the more expensive the lamp, but the larger area it can provide with negative ions. Salt lamps that produce ‘night-light’ amounts of light can provide ions to an area equal to the average office cubicle.

Negative ions have long been considered healthy; the sea air, mountain air and the air around swiftly running water is high in negative ions. Indoor air, recirculated air, and air around electronic equipment is very low in negative ions. Many office workers who suffer health complaints around fluorescent lighting and computer monitors report considerably less fatigue and headaches if the concentration of negative ions in the air is increased. Why negative ions may be beneficial is only partially understood.

Source:Salt Scrub, Mud Wrap Spa Treatment , Body Massage, Relaxation – YouTube

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