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Yoga and its connection to mental health | Nikolai Blinow | TEDxSalveReginaU

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Verbalizing the similarities in between yoga exercise ideology and evidence-based, Western mental health practices. Identifying mindless-based yoga practice that can be makes use of in psychological wellness therapy to improve cognitive adjustment and also a mindfulness-based yoga exercise practice that can be made use of to boost behavioral adjustment.

Nikolai Blinow is a licensed yoga exercise instructor and qualified psychological health and wellness therapist in the state of Rhode Island. She founded OMpowerment Psychotherapy with the goal of offering a special specific niche in the psychological health as well as individual advancement community. Nikolai integrates research-based Westernized, psychological wellness exercise with alternative methods to treatment and does this by integrating training in social communications and psychological health and wellness counseling with yoga exercise and also mindfulness techniques.

This talk was given at a TEDx occasion making use of the TED meeting style yet independently organized by a local area. Discover more at

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