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5 Reasons to support the Peaceful Belly Farm…Poisoned with Love

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VIDEO: Get a little insight on organic farming by watching this informative vid!

It is fresh and healthier in comparison to commercially grown fruits, vegetables and dried legumes. Animal food like eggs are also more nutritious as in organic farms hens are not caged instead they are free to roam around. Similarly, cows are not kept in feed lots. It is a known fact that when animals are not caged but free to live in their natural environment, their mental and physical growth is much better. Apart from these seemingly minute regularities, the major advantage is that animals and plants in these farms are not given any steroids, hormones or anti- biotic to produce more food. Medically induced plants and animals have a direct impact on the food they produce.

We specialize in growing hand-raised vegetables, herbs, flowers, berries and chickens. We believe highly in the integrity of organics and our farm is certified Organic with the State of Idaho. We strive to grow the most wholesome food for our community. We grow over 180 different types of veggies, most of which are heirlooms varieties. We believe in creating a healthy system with our farming. Our farming practices include the use of cover crops, compost, drip irrigation, companion planting, chicken pasturing and we never use GMO seeds. Peaceful Belly is committed to growing food for Southern Idaho. This is our home, our heart and our community.

Benefit Of Organic Food- There’s More Than What Meets The Eye.

If the benefit of organic food has to do somehow with how it’s raised, or produced, then what explains the organic food benefit of ultrapasteurized milk which clearly has lost nutritional value due to the high heat processing? Answer emerges from the business reality that the product is sold over long distances, therefore requires big-time shelf life and stability. Transportation logistics converts to a “buyer’s benefit” all with the stroke of a pen.

* Does The Critter’s Organic Meal Mean The Steak You Eat Is Organic?

What about “organic beef”? Turns out that beef you buy that qualifies as “organic” merely reflects that the beast was confined to a fenced dry lot and ate certified organic food grains. Where’s the grass and pasture? Apparently, the actual grass and pasture depicted on the package are not necessary to qualify as legitimately organic food, under FDA packaging regulations.

* True Organic – Complex Rather Than Simplified.

In the rare case when a small farm carries a mixed stock of animals such as chickens, pigs, turkeys and cattle and then truly raises these animals on sun-based pasture grasses utilizing an organized pasture rotation plan, then you’re getting as close to organic as Mother Nature allows. No pesticides are necessary, no herbicides, virtually no antibiotics occur. Why? By exploiting the cow-ness of cows, the natural mob-and-grazing tendencies of bovines… adding the co-evolved relationship of scavenging fowl like turkeys and chickens which eat worms and waste matter… you get as close to a “free lunch” as is possible. Wastes from one species become breakfast for another. So, who picks up the energy tab, when petrochemicals are avoided? Where does the energy come from? The sun.

Switching to Organic Foods

In olden days we use to buy food products, fruits and groceries just looking into price and quality. But now we consider lots of factors. Such as if they are fertilizers free, if they are grown in free farms with good water and so on. Even in other products we are looking for the percentage of saturated and unsaturated fats. Because we all know that Health is Wealth. That’s the reason why all are switching over to organic foods because they are worth for their price.

A variety of agricultural products can be produced organically, including produce, grains, meat, dairy, eggs, and processed food products.


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