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5 Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning

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Fascinating Facts about Mercury | What it does to the Body With Long-Term Effects.

It’s a highly toxic, very volatile element that must be handled with care.  Yet this element can be found at mine sites as a byproduct from processing gold and silver ore and in traces in coal.  It’s Mercury, a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal that comes from a bright red ore called cinnabar (HgS).  Mercury is atomic number 80 on the periodic table, and sometimes goes by the name Quicksilver.

This video explains how mercury primarily derived from dental amalgam fillings can cause a host of mental, physical and emotional symptoms and details over 150 recognised symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning by the dentist, naturopath and author of Chronic

Fatigue, ME and Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan, Alison Adams.

Source:Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning – YouTube

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