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The War On Cannabis Is Coming To An End US Finally Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

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VIDEO: Watch This Incredible Video Discussing The Benefits of Cannabis & It’s Ability To Kill Cancer Cells!

A group of federal researchers commissioned by the government to prove that cannabis has “no accepted medical use” may have unwittingly let information slip through the cracks, revealing how cannabis actually kills cancer cells.

Cannabis is one of the most medicinal plants in the world, and when prepared into extracts, its true power is released. The main problem with the medicinal cannabis movement at this point in time is its focus on smoking cannabis, or even vaporizing it. The bottom line is that’s not the right way to use cannabis as medicine, as effective as even that can be. Medicine is not intended to be absorbed in a low concentration through the lungs, it is supposed to go through the digestive system in a highly concentrated form. That is why cannabis extract medicine is the true way to use cannabis as medicine, and its effects greatly exceed what smoked cannabis could ever achieve.

Recent medical research suggests that the use of medical marijuana could play a significant role in reducing the progression of the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC that is its primary ingredient reduces and prevents the formation of neural protein deposits deep within the brain. These deposits are primarily responsible for this degenerative neural condition. Medical cannabis that is supplied supplied by medical marijuana dispensaries control the formation of these protein deposits or sticky amyloid plaques that result in neuronal damage, inhibits memory and cognition, cause severe loss of memory, and lead to confusion, irritability, mood swings, spatial disorientation, and speech problems.

The progressive and fatal Alzheimer’s disease destroys brain cells, which results in loss of memory, dementia, and disturbed motor skills along with diminished intellect and social skills. Alzheimer’s disease is among the top ten causes of death in the elderly in the United States. Research indicates that medical cannabis represents an effective drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and some of its symptoms.

While Medical Marijuana (MMJ) is legal in some cities of the United States, it is mandatory that all MMJ card holders obtain Medical Cannabis at legal the dispensary. A MMJ dispensary can also guide a patient in the process of obtaining their medical marijuana card.

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative condition that is marked by a continuous decline in memory and intellectual facility. It is incurable and terminal and usually affects people over 65 years of age. MMJ reduces the production of the neural enzyme acetylcholinesterase that triggers the formation of harmful protein deposits in the brain and lowers the level of the important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

“Many scientists now believe that the interaction of an outside agent (such as a virus or bacterium) with the body’s immune system may trigger the disease, or that such an agent may cause damage to the intestinal wall, initiating or accelerating the disease process.”

They further state that, “Because there is no cure for Crohn’s disease, the goal of medical treatment is to suppress the inflammatory response. This step accomplishes two important goals: It allows the intestinal tissue to heal and it also relieves the symptoms of fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Once the symptoms are brought under control (this is known as inducing remission), medical therapy is used to decrease the frequency of disease flares (this is known as maintaining remission, or maintenance).” – CCFA

Medicinal Therapy for Crohn’s Disease

Much of the traditional medication (the medical therapy mentioned by CCFA) used to treat Crohn’s disease includes a mixture of anti-inflammatory, antibodies, immune modifiers/suppressants and corticosteroids. Indeed, traditional medical treatments become a cornucopia of pharmaceutical concoctions.

As with most man-made medicinal products, each treatment also causes its own symptoms. For instance, the immunosuppressive medicines can cause nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Steroids also cause these symptoms, with the addition of anxiety and depression, as well as bone thinning, peptic ulcers and other issues with prolonged usage.

Mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory, can cause mild side effects like hair loss, headaches and itching. However, it can also cause severe side effects such as pancreatitis, blood disorders, fatigue and tremors. Kidney dysfunction and IBD-like symptoms are also possible.

Medical Marijuana for Canadian Crohn’s Disease Sufferers

Thanks to a number of organizations, medical institutes and studies, Canada has relaxed the laws on medical marijuana. It is legal for Canadian Crohn’s disease suffers to have a medical marijuana excemption with a written doctor’s prescription.


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