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7 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Water

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VIDEO: See This Incredible Video On The Great Health Benefits Of Lemon Water

The health benefits of lemons are nothing short of remarkable! They are packed full of nutrients and are low in calories and do not contain any saturated fats or cholesterol. They are rich in dietary fibre and citric acid which aids digestion, and have been scientifically proven to help dissolve kidney stones.

Lemon Water – Is It Good For You?

Even though lemons are the smallest of the citrus fruit family, they contain more healthy nutrients than other citrus such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits etc. Lemons are the most popular citrus fruit in the world and have been used in recipes for centuries. The most common recipe for lemons is lemon water, which is simply lemon juice squeezed into a glass of cold water. Very refreshing on a hot day!

Lemons are thought to have originated in the foothills of North-East India in the Himalayan district, but have spread through the Middle East, Africa, Americas, Pacific, and Europe to become the most widespread and prolific citrus tree in the world today.

The lemon tree itself grows to approximately 2-3 metres in orchards and plantations and prefers a temperate to tropical location. It is generally a hardly tree which only requires a moderate amount of water. Cold and frosty conditions tend to stunt their growth and ability to produce good quality large fruit.

When you first wake up, pour a glass of filtered, room temperature water. Water that is too hot or ice-cold requires more energy for your body to process, so it’s best to slowly wake up your body with warm water. Squeeze juice from a lemon into your water. (If you are under 150 pounds, use half a lemon. If you are over 150 pounds, use a whole one.) Drink it fairly quickly, and wait at least a half hour before eating to reap the most benefits.

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

1. Helps Liver Eliminate Toxins and Waste Products: the liver has various roles in the body including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of bio chemicals to aid in proper digestion. Lemon water increases the livers detoxifying enzymes and helps the liver carry out these functions more efficiently.

2. Lemon Water is Alkalizing: the body functions best in a more alkaline state and cancer cells tend to breed in an acidic body. Unfortunately due to the foods most people eat, the things they expose their skin to, and the environment they live in, most people’s body’s are very acidic. Lemons are very alkalizing to the body and blood (although lemons are actually an acidic fruit).

3. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals: rich in vitamin C (anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, & helps immune system), vitamin B (energy production), riboflavin (tissue repair, growth, & development) and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (these minerals all help build strong bones & teeth).

4. Terrific for Skin Care: Lemon water can act as an anti-aging remedy by removing wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of your skin. Your skin can’t look healthy if your body is holding onto toxins.

5. Good for Weight Loss: Lemon water can help burn fat faster. When the liver is full of toxins it can’t metabolize fats as efficiently.

These are just a few reasons to take the 28 Day Lemon Water Challenge.

Don’t postpone taking this simple challenge. Implementing this into your daily routine can bring major positive changes to your overall health.

6. Could Aid In Weight loss: In addition to helping regulate your metabolism, lemons also contain pectin fiber. This fiber makes you feel full, and therefore can help stave off hunger and prevent cravings. Drinking plenty of water also contributes to this full feeling. By combining two natural ingredients, lemon and water, you’re already starting your day on a healthy note — and this can lead to better eating habits throughout the day.

7. Improves Digestion: The acidity of lemons stimulates your digestive system and liver. This can help regulate your metabolism and bowel movements, thus helping your body absorb nutrients — and potentially leading to weight loss.

Other Ways To Add More Lemon 

You can increase the nutritional content and add tons of flavor to your meals (especially chicken, fish, and as a vinaigrette over salads) by replacing the sugary, belly busting sauces with lemons. Adding lemons to water also adds flavor which can cause you to choose to drink water more often (we all know the importance of staying hydrated).

What Are The Drawbacks?

Citrus erodes enamel.
* Brush your teeth before your lemony beverage, or wait an hour. Acid softens enamel, so brushing too soon after consuming acidic foods and drink can aid in erosion.
* Rinse your mouth out with purified water after you drink the lemon water.
* Drink through a straw and be sure not to swish the lemon water around in your mouth.
* Drink the lemon water within a few minutes, rather than sipping on it all morning.

Too much acidity can cause heartburn. If you’re prone to heartburn, a dose of zingy citrus in the morning may not be your best route. Discuss it with your doctor.

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