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An Analysis On Why We Itch?

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The reason for us having an itch | The complexity of the brain.

You feel an irritation on your skin and you want to scratch… There are many reasons why we get that itchy sensation! It can be as simple as the tag on your clothing rubbing against the back of your neck or a hair falling from your head and tickling your arm! Dry skin or a bug bite can also make you want to scratch.

At other times, certain soaps or lotions can make the skin itchy, especially if you have an allergy to a product. Skin rashes can even cause itchy bumps. But what happens inside of our bodies when we feel an itch?

Just as we have nerves that help us to feel when something is hot, cold or painful, we have nerves that pick up on itchy sensations! These nerves then send a signal to your brain with the help of your spinal cord. Your brain gets the itchy message, and before long, you want to scratch!


From dry skin to mosquito bites, there are a million little reasons why we itch. But sometimes, scratching an itch can make you feel, well, itchier — and a group of scientists has a possible explanation for why this happens.

On Wednesday, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis published a study which found that scratching an itch can cause minor pain, leading the brain to release serotonin — the “happy” chemical that helps regulate mood — which can sometimes make an itch feel more intense.

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