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Are Frozen Veggies Less Healthy than Fresh?

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When frozen vegetables are chosen  for freezing, they’re picked at the peak their ripeness, which is also the peak of their nutritional value. The result are better at times than “fresh” if the fresh vegetables you buy at the grocery store.

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Check out this video to learn your options in buying vegetables.

These two food groups are just as good purchased frozen as they are fresh. In some cases, they may actually be better, because if you keep vegetables and fruits in your fridge for a long time, they lose some of their nutritional value. Whereas, buying frozen and then defrosting when you want the fruit/vegetable can actually retain more nutrients. Make sense? For example, green beans lose a lot of vitamin C within 24 hours of being picked. When foods are canned or frozen, they are usually processed and packaged within hours of being harvested.

Kitchen know-it-alls beware! We’re going to fact check all those health warnings you’ve grown up with. We all want to take care of ourselves, but some of these myths can actually get in the way of good healthy decisions. On that note, let’s shatter some food myths!


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