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CFL vs LED Light Bulb Competition

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VIDEO: Are CFL bulbs harmful and what are you saving by using LED? Find out..

Clearly the CFL bulbs are a better investment in both the short and the long term. The energy cost alone is 361.53% cheaper than the incandescent bulbs and the number of bulbs required also brings the hardware cost down. Though they are cheaper, the CFL bulbs still have the drawback of containing mercury – which is bad for the environment and potentially hazardous if you break them.

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With all th­e recent warnings about mercury levels in fish, you’d think fish were the only source o­f the poison we encounter in daily life. Mercury in fish (which is actually methylmercury, to be specific) is a legitimate problem. The fact is, though, there are plenty of other potential sources of mercury exposure, including home thermostats, thermometers (it’s that silver substance), the air in certain areas, and surprisingly, the energy-saver that’s going to change the world: the compact fluorescent lightbulb, or CFL.



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