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Here is the details -10 Home Remedies Celebrities Swear By

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1. Molly Sims
Best known for her amazing swimsuit shots in Sports Illustrated, Molly Sims believes the key to beautiful skin is exfoliation–and she’s not wrong. Without exfoliation, the dead skin cells stay on your skin and the new cells that your body makes don’t appear at the surface. By exfoliating you’re getting rid of the dead skin cells and allowing the new ones to form at the surface.
Molly Sims uses a natural solution for exfoliation. She claims her honey face scrub works wonders and that a simple body brush is great for the rest of your body in the shower.

2. Demi Moore
You probably wouldn’t expect this, but Demi Moore seems to believe that leeches are the perfect home health remedy. In 2008, Moore appeared on the David Letterman show and she told him that she uses leeches, just like they did in medieval times, in order to “detoxify her blood” and optimize her health. She claimed that she considers the use of leeches as “cutting edge” and began using this method when she was in Austria.
This wouldn’t be advised for anyone by a medical professional. Leeches simply suck blood from your body and then seal off the wound. They can’t detoxify the blood or offer any health benefit.

3. Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston seems to get more and more beautiful as she ages, so perhaps we should take a page from her book. She doesn’t use too much makeup and she doesn’t use many expensive skin care products–she just glows and looks amazing. Her secret? Well, she insists it all comes down to using gentle products.
Instead of using all of the latest fad products and following all the latest trends, Aniston insists it’s all about using mild products like Neutrogena and avoiding anything too pricey. Treat your skin kindly and it’ll return the favor.

4. Fergie
Fergie might not be completely crazy with her suggestion that apple cider vinegar helps her maintain a healthy body weight. Many studies have been done on apple cider vinegar showing that it has numerous health benefits and can indeed help you keep your weight down.
In 2008, Fergie told magazines that, as well as regular training, she uses apple cider vinegar as a regular health supplement.

5. Halle Berry
Halle Berry, the Bond babe and celebrated actress, has stated that she uses coffee grinds to help keep cellulite at bay. There seems to be some sense and science behind this idea, despite it sounding a little crazy.
In most cellulite creams, you’ll find a small dose of caffeine. It seems that this energy boosting substance is able to slightly increase your metabolism which helps burn fat molecules. An improved metabolism also means swelling is reduced and you can expect smoother, firmer skin on the parts of the body that may be easily affected by cellulite.
There’s no reason not to try it, but be aware that there is no real science evidence that shows how coffee grinds can actually be used to fight off cellulite. It may work for a short time, but it may not be long-lasting.

6. Gwyneth Paltrow
Looking for a hangover cure? Gwyneth Paltrow thinks she’s got the answer. According to the blonde actress, the best way to get over the dehydration and general sluggish feeling you have after a night of drinking is to use mild hydrotherapy.
Paltrow claims that the bath water should be as hot as you can handle and have some baking soda and Epsom salts mixed in. She says that you should soak in the piping hot water for about 20 minutes and then go straight into a cold shower for a minute or two. After that, she claims that you need to hop right back into the hot bath and stay in there until you’re body warms back up. As if the ordeal isn’t enough, she says you should then get back in the cold shower for a minute.
If anything, it sounds like an emotional and physical roller coaster when you’re hungover.

7. Raquel Castaneda
According to well-known and trusted celebrity makeup artist Raquel Castaneda, one of the best ways to heal problem skin and achieve a glowing, healthy look is to get out into the sun. Forget about all the sun beds–simply head for the beach and take in as much natural sun as possible. She also suggests that topping it off with a spray tan can give you perfect skin, too.
Raquel works with celebrities such as P. Diddy and Paris Hilton and her clients seem perfectly happy with the results.

8. Catherine Zeta-Jones
We’re back to bonkers, and this time it’s Catherine Zeta-Jones believing that strawberries can help whiten her teeth. Zeta-Jones also believes that using a mixture of honey and salt is a great exfoliator to get healthy, glowing skin.
Although, rubbing strawberries on her teeth is actually doing more harm than good by exposing them to an acid that is known to destroy enamel and damage the nerves. This substance is called malic acid and, although strawberries are safe to snack on, it’s not recommended to use them for teeth-whitening purposes.

9. Julia Roberts
Julia suggests using olive oil to condition your hair – and it’s not actually crazy. Olive oil is incredibly rich in vitamin E which is known to help in the reduction of stretch marks, treat eczema and psoriasis, moisturize dry nails and cuticles, treat chapped lips and cold sores, treat sunburn, and even slow down the signs of aging. Roberts uses olive oil by rubbing it into her skin and hair to help regenerate cells and promote shine, but there are a ton of other health benefits as well.

10. Jennifer Love Hewitt
This actress seems to believe that using toothpaste on her face actually reduces her acne, although, no medical professionals condone this practice. Toothpaste is known to dry out the skin which might sound ideal if you have oily skin, but the other ingredients in toothpaste that help clean your teeth and keep them white can cause your skin to become irritated and red. As a quick fix, this may sound like a great idea, but the potential long-term damage is sure to turn you off to this home remedy. Instead of using toothpaste, purchase an acne spot treatment to avoid the unattractive redness and blemishes that may occur from using toothpaste as an acne solution.

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