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GREAT! Teaches you some Awesome home remedies

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Video: Shows you how to use special-natural and home remedies

Video explains how certain home remedies will help your body glow. New ways on how to stay healthy with some home remedies from a new country. Explains how to use remedies in everyday life to kept you healthy and your body healthy.

Help your body work better to relieve the irritations of common indoor and outdoor allergens.

Safe Herbal and Natural Remedies help your body fight allergies and build immunity. Avoid the negative side effects and addictive use brought on by Drug Store Meds and Prescription drugs.

High Blood Pressure is called the “Silent Killer” because it often has no warning signs and people don’t know they have it. It is now a more common issue even for those in their 30’s and 40’s.

Natural herbal remedies work with your body to improve healthy blood pressure balance with no negative side effects.

Healthy Blood Sugar metabolism is essential for good health. When it is out of balance it can lead to blood sugar spikes and lows. This lack of balance is a pre-dominant factor in diabetes, increased hunger, hypoglycemia and an increased risk of many diseases – some resulting in death.

Through diet and lifestyle, this is a preventable condition. Start the prevention today…

Spring’s pollen. Summer’s smog. Autumn’s falling leaves. Winter’s house dust. For millions of Americans, each change of season brings its own brand of allergy trigger and irritants. For people with common hay fever and allergies, these pollutants can bring on symptoms ranging from a continuous, annoying postnasal drip to a full-scale, coughing sneezing-itchy-eyes allergy attack. For other allergy sufferers, such as those with allergic asthma or an allergy to bee stings, attacks can be fatal.

While life-threatening allergies are a matter of grave concern to discuss with your doctor, there are many simple home remedies for common allergies that can alleviate some of sniffling and sneezing. In this article, we will show you 27 safe and effective home remedies to relieve your allergy symptoms using time-tested methods and everyday materials. See the next page to get started.

 Home remedies have become increasingly popular as the expense and hassle of conventional medicine continues to rise. Beyond the convenience, home remedies have found favor with a public that wants to take a more holistic approach to its ailments.

The home remedies that we have collected aren’t risky alternative therapies practiced against your doctor’s objections. Rather they are safe, practical actions that you can utilize to help treat more than 100 common health problems, ranging from the minor ailments like ingrown hairs and athlete’s foot to serious diseases like asthma and diabetes.

Just remember that these home remedies don’t provide miracle cures and aren’t meant to take the place of the advice and treatments prescribed by your health-care professional. You should continue to work and consult with your doctor about your health problems.

Nevertheless, the information we present can enhance your overall health. Our home remedies offer detailed, easy-to-follow steps using items you probably already have in your kitchen or medicine cabinet. It’s time to take your health care into your own hands.

Whether you’ve spent the day engaging in intense physical activity or have just been on your feet too long, your muscles and joints are likely to be overworked and a bit achy. Even though this pain is temporary, it’s natural to want quick relief. You might not have to look far. One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to soothe a sore body is likely already in your medicine cabinet: Epsom salt.

A farmer in the English town of Epsom discovered the healing power of the salts in 1618, after his cattle refused to drink from a certain well. He tasted the mineral water and thought it tasted bitter, and eventually noticed the water helped heal rashes and scratches he had . For years, people would flock to the area to soak in healing springs rich in magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). Both of the compound’s minerals have properties that can help the body recover from common hurts like muscle and joint pain. Magnesium, once absorbed into the skin, can actually reduce the brain’s pain responses. It also works to control other body proteins, increasing the body’s overall performance. Sulfate, on the other hand, made up of the elements sulfur and oxygen, flushes out toxins and forms proteins that improve joint and tissue performance

Fortunately, you no longer have to travel to southeastern England to enjoy a relaxing Epsom salt soak. Today, you can buy the mineral salts by the pound at almost any drug store for just a few dollars.

The ideal amount of Epsom salt for a soak is approximately 2 cups in a warm bath. Warm water can speed up blood flow and help relax muscles, though heat may not help hot swollen arthritic joints. Make sure you give the Epsom salt bath enough time to do its job; the Epsom Salt Council (yes, there is such a thing) recommends soaking for at least 12 minutes.

In addition to treating aches caused by too much activity, you can also use Epsom salt to address other types of pain. It’s been shown to help heal bruises and reduce the pain of bee stings, sunburn and the achiness of the flu.

It never fails. Every time you have a big meeting coming up or an important presentation to give, you develop an unsightly cold sore on your lip. You wake up with a small cluster of tiny, harmless-looking, white blisters, which quickly explode into a painful sore the size of Rhode Island. (OK, so maybe it just looks that big to you.)

Many people get confused about whether they have a cold sore or a canker sore. But that confusion is easily cleared up. Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, which is usually acquired in childhood through contact with infected saliva. The type 1 virus is believed to lie dormant in certain nerve cells of the body until it is activated by stress, anxiety, a cold or excessive exposure to the sun. It causes sores on your external lip or near your mouth or nose that last anywhere from seven to 14 days. (Herpes simplex virus type 2, on the other hand, is transmitted through sexual contact and causes sores and ulcers in the genital area.)

Although many people use the terms “cold sore” and “canker sore” interchangeably, they’re different. Unlike cold sores, canker sores are bacterial infections inside the mouth that are characterized by small, round, white areas surrounded by a sharp halo of red. And while cold sores are highly contagious, canker sores are not. 

You can’t cure cold sores, and they like to keep coming back, usually to the scene of a previous visit. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer in silence with cold sores. In the next pages, we’ll look at simple home remedies to ease the discomfort of cold sores and and hasten the healing process.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.

Headache. Stuffy nose. Cough. Fever. Itchy eyes. Sore throat. Muscle aches. If you’re like most people, you know the symptoms of the common cold all too well. Although Americans spend billions of dollars annually on doctor visits and cold remedies (everything from tissues and vitamin C to over-the-counter decongestants and herbal teas), there is no cure for the common cold. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your recovery easier. In this article we’ll discuss all aspects of the cold, including home remedies, when you should call a doctor, and how to avoid passing on your cold to innocent bystanders. To begin, we will discuss the origins and causes of the common cold.

Source: Home Remedies Special-Natural & Easy Way to Glowing Face By Payal Sinha(NAturopath Expert) – YouTube

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