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High school kids dancing to stay healthy

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Video: Amazing video of one high school full of kids is inspired to dance to stay healthy by exercising 

a school full of high school kids got inspired to dance to stay healthy and stay in shape with a little exercise mixed in with it. Wacth of hundreds of students dance to inspire others to dance along with them so they to can stay healthy and live a longer healthier life style.These kids are dancing but they also get an education on what it means to stay healthy.

If dancing gets your heart rate up, it can be a good form of aerobic exercise, which is good for your heart in general. One study even found that in people with stable chronic heart failure, slow-fast (interval) waltzing improved heart and blood vessel function and overall quality of life as much as a moderate aerobic exercise program did.On average, a 150-pound person burns about 240 calories per hour when dancing. But the numbers vary a lot, from less than 200 calories per hour for slow dances like tango to about 350 calories for faster dancing like swing—and more than 500 calories for step aerobics dancing. Of course, for the more active dances you probably won’t dance a full hour.


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