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What are the feds trying to hide about Vaccines?

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This is what happens when you get too close to the truth.

The present concerns about mandatory vaccinations under the Homeland Security Act are well founded. What has not been understood is the method of action that causes vaccination toxicity.

All this vaccine talk for the past couple of weeks or so has definitely led to mixed opinions and emotions. Should you or shouldn’t you get vaccinated? And if you do, will there be a vaccine available for you? And how sure are you that what you will be doing will help you or only cause you more problems down the line?

The following is a simplification of the underlying cause, method of action and remedial measures to reduce the damage with references. Note that the medical reviews in journals and on the web belittle the anti-vaccination sites as based only on emotion, etc.

Vaccines help to prevent diseases and save lives. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, vaccines are “the most successful medical advances of all time.” Prior to vaccines, children were dying of diseases such as polio, whooping cough and measles. Today, these diseases are uncommon due to vaccination. Immunizations also protect the health of the community, especially those whose immunity has been compromised and those children who are too young to receive vaccinations. Despite the benefits of vaccination, there has been growing parental concern about vaccine safety and side effects.

Just say NO!

Tell the doctor, tell the clinic, tell the school, tell the nurse, tell the employer, tell the government bureaucrats,  tell the health department,  or anybody else who is trying to force you or your kids to take vaccines against your will….”because you must take them”, Tell them… NO.

No matter WHAT they say or threaten you with, tell them ….NO.

No vaccines…. ever. Period. You can read why below:

Update July 22, 2015: The most powerful, and convincing video lectures I’ve seen to date explaining how and why vaccines damage the body are contained in a 3 volume DVD series of slide lectures by Dr. Andrew Moulden MD PhD, titled Tolerance Lost, which is now available free online. All 3 volumes of the video series can be found at the link below, along with a brilliant introductory article posted by Dr. Moulden on August 3, 2009 explaining how vaccines create blockage and “sludging” of blood flow into the miles of tiny, microscopic sized capillary networks that deliver oxygen to the brain, neurons, and all functioning cells of the human body.

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