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Get the facts about who and what is endangering your health

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Find out what happens when the truth gets too close to the facts

ADHD drugs, of course, are powerful psychotropic mind-altering chemicals that are often molecularly identical to street drugs. The industry of psychiatry is virtually owned by Big Pharma, which hopes to drug every child, teenager and adult with at least one mind-altering medication.

The drugs reviewed in this study include: Ritalin and Focalin XR (Novartis), Adderall XR and Daytrana patch (Shire), Concerta (Johnson & Johnson), Strattera (Eli Lilly), Metadate CD (Celltech Pharmaceuticals) and Provigil (Cephalon).

For a group whose professional membership represents a mere 17 percent of all medical doctors, the AMA sure has a lot of gall trying to police the entire medical industry with its own opinions on science. The AMA apparently sees itself as the gatekeeper of all scientific knowledge even though the group maintains an ironic position of clinging to the most outmoded dinosaur science at the expense of medical progress.

Sooner or later the people revolt and overthrow the tyranny for the simple reason that liberty is part of the DNA of all humans. We are beings with free will and consciousness, and that means we don’t want to be enslaved and forced to act against our will — especially not by a criminal, incompetent government run like a mafia.

A health care voucher system would slash costs almost immediately

The way to really bring down health care costs in America while still fulfilling part of the Big Government dream of entitlements to the masses would be for Obama to announce a voucher system where every person gets (for example) $500 / month in a free health care voucher that they can spend as they like.

This would put consumers in the position of actually shopping around for affordable doctors, affordable medications and even preventive services such as holistic health care fitness memberships or dietary supplements that prevent chronic disease.

A voucher system is the opposite of the current monopoly system, and that’s exactly why democrats hate voucher systems: They give people the freedom to choose. Government hates choice, and the Obama government in particular hates the entire private sector. Deep inside, all Obama supporters believe in a soviet-style centrally-planned economy, and they live in a matrix of wild delusions in which they believe government actually delivers services more efficiently and cheaply than the private sector.

Just look at if you want to refute that delusion. In truth, no institution is more inefficient, wasteful and crooked in delivering services than the government itself. That’s why the real solution to health care in America is to allow consumers to shop for their own treatments, cures, insurance policies and doctor visits using free market principles of 1) informed consumers, 2) freedom to choose, 3) incentives for consumers to find the best price.

The kind of psychological justification going on in the minds of people who work at pharmaceutical companies is probably very much like the justification that was going on in the minds of Nazi soldiers who guarded the Berlin wall (and who shot people who were attempting to cross the wall). These soldiers were just “following orders”, which is much the same justification that pharmaceutical company employees take home with them every single day. They’re just doing a job — they’re just making a salary and trying to support their family.

What people don’t realize is that when they are part of a machine that is, in one way or another, causing great harm to humanity, they are in effect responsible for their role in that outcome. Just because a person is a salaried employee and doesn’t have executive control over the company doesn’t excuse the fact that they are, in essence, enabling a system that trades health for profits, that seeks to exploit the diseased and dying in our world in order to generate shareholder value for investors. It doesn’t excuse the fact that this is an industry that has sought to systematically wipe out and discredited alternative therapies in order to maintain control and keep customers lining up at doctor’s offices across the country and around the world.



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