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Perfect Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D | Dr. Joel Gould on Health Theory

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Vitamin D, digestive tract wellness, and also your microbiome. What actions must we take today to build ourselves up for a lifetime of indisputable health and wellness? Just how do we understand if our diet, supplements, as well as environment are causing us harm instead of great? On this episode of Health Theory, Dr. Joel Gould joins Tom Bilyeu to deal with these concerns head on as well as talk about the concealed benefits of Vitamin D that nobody seems to be discussing. They disclose the source of symptomatic wellness issues, just how your gut is affected by Vitamin D, the negative impact of the vegan diet regimen, just how the trick to aging is deuterium, why you must be consuming grass-fed, which supplements to take as well as when, as well as the ‘must-dos’ to achieving optimal health and wellness.


Origin Causes
Your Gut|Dr. Gould talks about why he’s just one of few that are promoting Vitamin D. [7:42] Dr. Gould goes over oral health and wellness and also the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price. 11:11]
Discovery|Dr. Gould shares the scientific discovery of Vitamin D. [13:37] Dr. Gould shares what the groundwork laid by Dr. Weston A. Price led to. [17:01]
Dr. Gould shares why he refers to big-pharma as petrochemicals. [20:20]
Health and wellness|Dr. Gould goes over the link in between the diet, vitamin, and also sunlight D. [24:05] Dr. Gould goes over what deuterium is and how it ages us. 26:54]
Dr. Gould exposes how human beings advanced to consume things that ate turf. 31:47]
Seed Oils
Dr. Gould goes over the villains that are triggering harm to our wellness. 36:52]
Dr. Gould defines the degrees of Vitamin D for ideal health and wellness. 39:02]
The Third Villain
Nutrient Density
Damaging Down
Dr. Gould discusses Vitamin K2, its advantages, and also exactly how we get it. [58:29]
Dr. Gould talks about the power of sleep has for kids’s development. [01:06:01]
What You Can Do


” … do not eat commercial seed oils, do not consume refined carbohydrates and also sugar.” [25:42]

” We actually use sunlight for so much greater than Vitamin D. It actually bills the water in our bodies.” [40:50]

” If you’re not sleeping effectively, you are not repairing and regrowing. 41:52]

” Vitamin D literally is the power of sunlight in our bodes and that’s what keeps us young.” [45:39]

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